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Security - Common Scams

What if a bank gave you the skinny on what fraud we see most often? Welcome to fighting fraud.

Feeling uneasy about a financial transaction or conversation? Give us a call or stop in to see us! We're smellin' what you're steppin' in. I mean, we completely understand and are here to help. Our bank staff has the unique opportunity to help you uncover fraud attempts in your everyday banking. We ask questions to identify possible red flags and ensure your finances are protected. Here are some of the most common fraud schemes we've uncovered at your local branch. 

Bank Impersonator Scam

Fraudsters are calling pretending to be from your bank and notify you that there’s an issue that needs your attention or fraudulent activity on your account. They may ask you for your personal and banking information, a verification code, or a one-time passcode. Your bank already has your account numbers and social security number... you will never be asked to provide your personally identifiable information (PII) by your bank.

Keep in mind

  • Fraudsters have ways of spoofing legitimate bank phone numbers to try to trick you into thinking you are talking to your bank representatives. If you answer a call from someone claiming to be from your bank and are suspicious, simply hang up and contact us directly.
  • Never give your personal or financial information to people you don't know, including your bank account and credit card details, codes, passwords, PINs, and SSN.
  • A one-time verification code or passcode is an extra layer of security to confirm a transaction that you are completing. You will have set it with your banker in-person and is used to properly identify you for transaction requests that YOU initiate when YOU call your bank.
Here are more phone scams to learn about.

Phone Scams

Gift Card Fraud

If someone asks you to pay for something by putting the money on a gift card and to send them the numbers on the back of the card, they’re trying to scam you. There is no agency or legitimate business that will ever tell you to make a payment using gift cards. Just remember, gift cards are for gifts.

Curious about how gift card fraud works?

Gift Card Scams

Family Emergency Scam

Scammers will call pretending to be a family member or close friend and claim they need money to get out of trouble. These bad guys do their homework before calling and will know a lot about you or the person they’re pretending to be. You will be pressured to send money right away. Always check to ensure there is an actual emergency before sending money!

Here is some more information.

Fake Emergencies

The Federal Trade Commission provides information on the latest scams and how to avoid, report, and recover from them - have a looksie! You can also sign up for Consumer Alerts to receive emails about new scams and tips for avoidance.

Stay alert, ask questions, and fight back. Keep clicking for more of the good stuff.

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Scammers gonna scam... Let's fight back! If you have questions or comments, please contact us.



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